Ebookhippo works on the principles of simplicity and affordability

1. Convert PDF, Doc, Docx, HTML to eBook

Convert your material in to variety of ebooks formats in market, without having any technical knowledge required on your part. All you have to do is to follow 3 simple steps:

  1. Upload your file
  2. Select the required/available e-book format
  3. Choose a cover and create

2. Publish your work online

Ebookhippo just not offers you to transform your PDF material in to digital e-book format, rather it offers you to go ahead and get it published online. Follow the following easy steps

  1. Convert PDF material in to e-book format or upload a book
  2. Select book type
  3. Select theme
  4. Create a suitable cover for your book
  5. Get it done

3. Enjoy digital reading

Readers can use the eBookhippo domain to access a variety of eBooks on multiple themes and issues, all under one roof. To have a digital reading experience:

  1. Choose an e-book
  2. Choose your device option
  3. Read Online or Download for any device

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